L.I.F.E. Method I. - A Book for Understanding Your Life - E-BOOK (epub and mobi)
L.I.F.E. Method I. - A Book for Understanding Your Life - E-BOOK (epub and mobi)
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A Guide to Increasing Your Mental Vibrations
The world has taken a new direction in the last two decades. Science has begun to realize in more and more areas that the ideas put forward by spiritual masters are actually scientific facts. Thus, a new historical period has begun, which is about the union of science and spirituality. I am one of the pioneers who, as a researcher, educator, and inventor, claim that spirituality and science actually speak as one. In the distant future, we will reach the point where there will be no separate science and spirituality, as they will form one and the same merged set. This book – the Book of Understanding – is the first volume of the L.I.F.E. method, which undertakes to present a perfectly developed system that connects science with the experiences of our lives and presents it as a comprehensive system. The content of the book helps you to live a happier, more successful, more life-supportive life, because if you have a systemic understanding, there will be no misunderstandings and wrong directions in your spiritual development. At the same time, your view of the rational world will expand and your field of vision will become much clearer. The book not only gives you the opportunity to understand and discern, but also gives you twenty-one simple, practical ways to make your life happier, healthier and more successful.
I sincerely wish with this book a good immersion and a lot of strength on your happiness-seeking journey!
The Author